Redeemed 09' Official Promo Video

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What's your say?

Ann Pang; a final year music student had a memorable experience last year at Life-RW. The rally verse spoke to her in a very personal way. To find out more, let's here what Ann has to say in this edition of "What's your say?".

Easter rally Life-RW was a great and successful event in 2008. By God's grace there are 500 people came on that night. I thank God that i had the chance to serve Him in the worship team and He had blessed us throughout the few months practices.

One of the performance i remember is the 'mime'. The effects was awesome! The song of the mime spoke to my heart. The song by Casting crown "Who am i". answering the questions i asked for some time. Who am i? do i really deserve God's love? do God really care for me? God said He loves us not because who we are, what we've done, but who He is. He sent Jesus to died on the cross for our sins, He forgives us all who willingly surrender His everything to God. He is our father who will catch us when we fall and gives us new life. John 10:10 "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full". Life-Rw was a reminder for me about God's amazing love, knowing he is always there when I need Him. He care for the birds in the air, how much more valuable we are than the birds? He helps me understand that there is never not too late or too small to serve Him.

Easter rally is a good chance of bringing friends to know God, not only to enjoy the performance and music but spreading the good news to our friends. I'm glad my friends went for it, asked me alot of things about easter while on my way fetching them back home.

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