Redeemed 09' Official Promo Video

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What's your say?

On this edition of 'What's your say?' we have someone who was a great source of inspiration and encouragement to the older CF members. Currently working as a pharmacist at the Ipoh General Hospital; Wei Way completed her degree in pharmacy at UCSI in 2008. Here she shares with us on her expiriences on Life-RW;the Easter rally we organized in 2008.

Greetings from Dino-land which you all will soon cross over.

Lemme recollect memories from 1 year ago *hitting the fast-rewind button* I think the most memorable scene from last's year Easter Rally for me was definitely during alter call. It was like wah super worth-while even after the long hours of practice and preparation for the rally(especially for final year-final sem student like myself). I must admit sometimes i dread to come for practice (please forgive me sometimes when it rains and the bed looks so inviting and the thought of walking all the way to college across the mountains and seas *ok maybe not that far* but still!) yea anyway it was just the walking part...cos i enjoy every bit of the practice!!! AWESOME FELLOWSHIP!!! BEING ABLE TO LAUGH OUT LOUD FROM WITHIN!!! CRANKY CF-ERS, THE AFTER-PRACTICE DINNER =) which i super-gila miss!!! I would give up all the lolipops and cotton candy in the world to return to those days.

I don't know about you all but I've always have this HUGE lump at the back of my throat whenever I try to share Gospel with someone hence I'm thankful for rallies cos I'm not the one to have to share with my friend but yet I'm playing a part to contribute to the process..which is to invite, pray n hey to be able to just watch the beauty of God's miraculous work. I cannot simply describe the feeling i had when i was crying with a new believer when she says the sinner's prayer.

I don't know how this year's Easter rally will turn out for you but I'm excited to hear your share of story soon =)

Treasure every moment of being a student


stuce said...

Awesome sharing Wei Way. This is so you, so honest, simple and true and it so brings me back to the time when we were housemates..totally forgive you for the inviting bed hehe. May this year's rally also change the lives of those who work so hard organising it as well as those who attend =)

-eunice au

weiwayk said...

U MISS ME... admit it..u miss me =)

Wei Way

stuce said...

Eh. Vice versa. Haha I know you miss me too! :P

Come for Rally!