Redeemed 09' Official Promo Video

Friday, February 27, 2009

What's your say?

This next person who dropped us his testimonial is no stranger to us. Known to everyone as an avid Mariah Carey fan, second year accounting & finance student, Kelvin Kuan shares with us his views on what Easter is all about. He also talks about how God has changed his life around in CF as well as being a Christian.

Easter? You mean the all time celebration of how Jesus died for each and every one of our sins and rose again on the third day? It’s not just a time of exchanging basket gifts and candies or even making Easter eggs and the over-marketed Easter bunny all around. It’s actually a celebration that all Christians are proud of and give thanks for because their personal Lord and Saviour has sacrificed His own life just to redeem our lives. I can’t begin to tell how grateful I am for the goodness of God in sending His only Son, Jesus to redeem us from our sins. Because of His amazing love and sacrifice, we now have a reason to live and to look forward to eternal life with Him. It’s truly a mind-blowing act of love yet very true.

If you’ve been to last year’s Easter Rally, Life RW, you would have only one word to describe – Wow! I would not give it up to go for another event. I’ve personally experienced the love of God again even though I’ve heard the message for so many times already. It just goes to show how God speaks to me again and again. I was glad I was able to participate in some of the performances that evening and it was a blessing to my soul to later find out that my friends were blessed by the performances. With the whole Multi-Purpose hall filled up that evening, I would say that it’s God’s blessings to bring in the people and speak to them in ways that we can never imagine.

It’s not only a mere successful event, but it’s a testimony of God’s love at the same time. Two thumbs up for the planning committee and praise God for their time and effort. With last year’s many positive reviews and feedbacks, I’m sure this year’s would be a blast where it can be a blessing as well as an event that touches people’s life. I have already marked my calendar for this awesome celebration. May God bless the planning committee and make it yet again, a great event that shines His bright and righteous name.

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