Redeemed 09' Official Promo Video
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Redeemed 09'
Monday, March 30, 2009
What's your say?

Well what can I say? It's been an amazing journey being in CF for the last 3 years. Through out these 3 fantastic years God's been really faithful. He's done things which I never knew were possible. This Easter I look back in remembrance of how God has provided for me and even more. However, the one thing I will never cease to thank Him for is how He sent His one and only Son to die for our sins. Though unworthy all of us are, He did it out of love for you and me.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Speakers profile...

A graduate of Master of Arts in Ministry in Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS), Baguio City, Philippines, he has a deep compassion for youths as he believes that they are the future generation. He has raised up many youths who are now faithfully serving the Lord in various churches.
He is happily married to his wife, Pastor Evonne Chin with whom he has a wonderful boy, Darren (12 years old).
Friday, March 27, 2009
What's your say?

Being involved in Life-RW 2008 brings me many memories to rejoice and remember all my life. The 500 strong audiences who had come to worship God and those who came to experience His everlasting goodness in Life-RW is still fresh to me as I was on stage that night. God’s presence was there alright and I know for sure He will be there again in Redeemed ’09.
He sent His only Son, yeah, surely He did – history proved it! What makes it so special is that it comes with ‘The Freedom of being Redeemed and Re-Written’. When I first tasted His goodness, the release was so great, it swept me off my burdens and I instantly answered His calling to draw back to Him. I knew that it would not be a dull experience because His call came with much comfort and reassurance; He has been faithful till this very day. God showed me how it feels like to walk by the road that He has prepared for me! – Our God is a vibrant God, He carries all our sorrows.
Redemption of sin comes with all the goodness that God has installed for us. It means we choose to follow Him and respond to all His plans and desires. For me, I was never afraid of walking the trail that He tells me to take for He will not lead me to a cliff and lead me to a fall. He will cushion my fall of my mistake and hold me in His loving arms like a Father would when his child is sick. Now that He has placed me in Russia, it is also for His cause, to continuously grow in Him as a branch would grow off a tree and bear fruit. During my days as a member in the UCSI CF, I was happy that He also made use of my little skills which was printed on shirts, banners and posters and all glory goes to Him!
As Redeemed ’09 is fast approaching, it is my prayer to all who will be attending and those involved, to have a testimony to share about this Easter about our God who redeems, loves, cares, heals, guides, our closest friend who comforts, shelters, provides, shares and carries all our sorrows and experience His everlasting goodness. Though I will not be in Malaysia during Redeemed ’09, but my prayers for the entire committee and the rally will be in my heart.
God bless!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Life-RW 2008
Our mission remains the same as ever before; to share God's love with the people that matter most to us in our lives. Redeemed 09' is the perfect opportunity to do so though may I add NOT the ONLY opportunity to do so.
However the question remains, has your life been re-written or your life been redeemed? We pray that this coming Easter would shed a whole new dimension into your life and into the lives of the people you know by experiencing God’s love for each and everyone of us.
Has your life been redeemed?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
UCSI CF in Terengganu...
Just in case you didn't know, now both UCSI CF (Kuala Lumpur and Terengganu) will be wearing the same t-shirts this coming Easter.

Surprise surprise...

You can find more about this band on front man; Joe Loy's blog here.
Or the band's own blog here.
Alternatively you can listen to some of their music on Reverbnation
What's your say?
I can’t believe it’s been a year since “Life Re-writable”. On a personal level, 2008 was of the toughest times I’ve had in UCSI. However, being in the Easter Rally’s organizing committee had been a great blessing to me. I was initially only in charge of ushering until I was told later that we needed more counselors. I actually didn’t see myself being involved as one because I thought counseling believers/non meant knowing the bible from the book of Genesis to Revelation (which I obviously don’t. Ouch!). Least did I know that God was trying to speak to me through using me to speak to others. Well, it’s a cliché – but I guess he DOES work in amazing ways.
Easter serves to remind us of the things God has done for us in our lives. Right from the day He sent his son to die on the cross for us. It need not be a solemn event, because the reasons for Easter are in fact all the reasons we should be celebrating it! The cross symbolizes the greatest love ever and it is for the cross that our sins can be forgiven, our lives Rewritable, Redeemed.
Life RW 08 was a blast and I am definitely looking forward to Redeemed 09, how about you?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
What's your say?
Easter to me signifies Jesus Christ’s victory over death. This victory guaranteed us eternal life to all who believe in Him. We also need to remember his death on the cross and the suffering and torment He went through because of His everlasting love for us and the washing of our sins. How often have we just taken this act of love from Jesus for granted and many a times too occupied with our surrounding and just forget to tell Him how much we love him and are ever so grateful for his love for us.. Isn’t it amazing that Christianity is all about having a personal and close relationship with God. How we, so unworthy of His love can be his children? God has always been present in my life, going with me through troubled times and joyful moments. He is not only my God; He is also my trusted friend. Over the years, I have learned to trust in Him more and indeed it has changed me!
Psst! Redeemed ’09 is fast approaching. Do take this opportunity to bring your friends so that they too can experience God’s love in their lives as you have. I hope I’ll be seeing you there!