Redeemed 09' Official Promo Video

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dear God...

This item appeared in a newspaper after the 1999 fatal shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado:

Dear God: Why didn't You save the children of the Littleton school? —Sincerely, a student

Dear Student: I am not allowed in schools. —Sincerely, God

The intended message seems clear: If we bring God back into the public schools by allowing prayer and Bible reading, then such tragedies would not occur. Whether you agree with that sentiment or not, one thing is sure—laws can't keep God out of school. They didn't that fateful day at Columbine High! God reached out to the gunmen through those who confessed their faith in Christ before being shot. He was there in the courage of a teacher who gave his life helping students escape.

God may be doing His greatest work when evil seems to triumph. When Job looked back, he saw that his suffering gave him a new understanding of God (Job 42:5-6). At Calvary, man crucified the only sinless One who ever lived, yet God turned history's darkest day into man's redemption.

Are you facing a great injustice? Keep trusting God. Those who go through the greatest darkness are those who most fully appreciate the glory of His light. — Dennis J. De Haan

When tragedy, heartache, and sorrow abound,When evil appears to have conquered the right,We center our heart on our Father's great love,For He will bring hope in the darkest of night. —DJD

God may be doing His greatest work when evil seems to triumph.

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